Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy Birthday to my baby girl

Today is Miss 8 Almost 9's birthday, she will be 9 at exactly 2050 today. Today is day two of her camp and her brothers miss her terribly and there were no drama acts at dinner last night, no singing in the toilet, no drawings for the day at breakfast and no towels left on the bedroom floor...I miss her.

Miss 9 ( now as she will be known) was in utero for 42 and 1/2 weeks, they tell me I was so relaxed after starting maternity leave at what was thought to be the 37 week mark that my body slowed down and the hormones that start labor did not kick in. SO much so that my waters broke without labor that I knew of......
and I spent Easter Sunday that year leaking every time I moved ( yuk) on the Monday they put me in hospital and I had to walk about to try and bring the labour on..I had no labour pains at all but was 4cm dilated. At about 1600, (two hours before my ob. Told me he would) they had to put me on a synthetic hormone drip..Yes, I had a needle in the back of my hand (but the midwife wrapped my hand in a bandage so I did not see it as I began hyperventilating)and once that synthetic hormone kicks in ,forget what they tell you about labour building gradually...You go from zero to 9.5 straight away! So any way ,I went from 4 cm to 10 cm in 3 hours which they say is really bad , but it wasn't really bad if you just breath through the contractions and think nice thoughts and bite your partners arm. I did not have pain relief, did not have stitches and after she was born asked for the drip to be removed even before I held her, see , really,really HATE needles ( no go, there I needed to have antibiotics pumped in whilst in labour and they had to finish) So, I held Miss 9 and when I looked at her and into her face, I understood why I did what I did and why I faced my biggest fear and sat with an IV still attatched and nursed her. I looked into her eyes and saw the face of my mother smiling,I heard the voice I had missed for so long telling me I had done well and all was ok. I had a little girl and I was a mum.

1 comment:

supermom_in_ny said...

Happy Birthday!

I hope you BOTH enjoyed the day...