BUT I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!The system of funding and the Government withdrawal of funding for kids with SLDs was wrong, misconceived and was implemented for all the wrong reasons. The withdrawal of SLD ( severe language disorder) came about at the commencement of the 2005 school year, children who had previously been funded under this criteria were no longer funded, kids who were starting school that year with expected funding, were without. Their parents in a quagmire of bureaucratic BS, the schools at a loss and the teachers expected to become a quasi speech therapists in class time. The current system was conceived by
John Munro ( Melb U) who himself touts that
To foster effective learning, we need to
• understand how learners learn
• implement teaching that fosters effective learning.
So it appears that the system a so called, educator of educators, helped put into place and develop, does not do as he claims effective learning should. In fact it has "serious shortcomings" "particularly for children with the language disorder program". I have claimed this from the onset and despite my misgivings with regard to funding in the non State system, I was savvy enough to fight for funding under the guise of alternative criteria. I think it is harder to do so within the Government school system as staff at many school directly and indirectly run interference when you are trying to get funding for your child. I know this first hand from my friends experience in trying to have her childs autism tutor allowed into the school ( who will not fund the child) to observe and see the child in her school environment so to create adaptive therapies and learning modes. So much for Prof. Munro's fostering of effective learning.
I can only hope that other parents take to heart to the fight that has been put before them by Rebekah's brave family and argue for their child's right to have a full education regardless of the adaptive measures, individual learning programs and extra aide time required. They have a voice and have a right to be heard, if not their own then we need to be their voice for them.