Thursday, March 30, 2006

What has he done???

Mr 6 awoke yesterday complaining of a sore leg/hip/groin, he was limping slightly and was having trouble telling us what happened. Bitch mother, that I am, sent him off the school as he was not limping that much and tends to overrate things PLUS it was Wednesday and last term Preps had Wednesdays off...I thought he was putting it on a bit. Maybe I was overzealous in my sending him to school because I had Miss 8 Almost 9 home all day the day before...who knows.
Anyway I went to school at pick up time and his teacher helps him out the door carrying his bag and I feel REAL bad, she tells he he has been hobbling about all day and complaining of the pain, now I feel REALLY BAD. I tell her I will take him to the doctors as he was not too bad that morning. I try and get a doctors appointment...nothing till the next day,( now I feel REALLY ,REALLY BAD) I pull rank a bit and tell them he cannot walk on his leg properly ( not a lie, I had to carry him the the car) so they tell me to bring him straight in. During the 45min wait after being checked by the nurse, we try and get out of him how he hurt seems it is the hip/groin area and we find that Mr 3 either jumped or fell on him the previous night whilst I was at gym and 2IC was in charge. The doctor checks him out and rules out twisted testicles (OUCH) but wants an x-ray because his movement is limited and he has poor muscle tone anyway. So off we troop; yes, I had all three with me; to the Radiology section of the old local hospital, wait 45 mins, have an x-ray,then we are told that we could go, I told the technician that we were required to take the x rays back for the doctor to view, that starts the little bombasity about how I should have told the desk clerk that, I said I did not know that ,as there are no signs stating that and no one asked if Ineeded to return with the films ( HELLO, I am carrying about a 6 year old who cannot walk, does'nt that tell you something) So we are told to wait (lots of waiting going on today) and after 20 minutes we have the film and off we go to the doctors again. Wait in the treatment room at the doctors for another 30 minutes ( its not too bad as I consider us lucky to have got in and we are queue jumping)Doc looks at x rays, nothing broken, no infection in the joints, even though he has an elevated temperature, no fractures, no ruptures...needs to have a poo though(doctors words, not mine as a full bowel shows on x rays in case you did'nt know, too much info, too bad).

So after 2 and a half hours of waiting rooms, treatment rooms, x-rays and manipulations; there is naught wrong with Mr 6's hip but deep bruising which has yet to surface. At least his sister got off the camp today without too much of a hassle ***SIGH**

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