Thursday, June 02, 2005


I am ROPEABLE right now and its 2 hours plus since I made my little discovery...apparently there is a parent/s (unsure of this fact) who has a problem with my son being in kindy and the amount of time she perceives the teacher is spending with him......FUNKELL ..I just want to call Early Childhood at council or confront them ALL at pick up time or what I just dunno. What problem could they have...The class has TWO aides who are there to help the teacher...Extra pairs of hands, so to speak, plus the regular teachers assistant. The aides are not exclusively for the use of the two special needs kids but for all the kids in case one of the S/N kids is undertaking a task with which they need one on one help. I did a letter at the beginning of the year to all the parents ; as my son's disability is not visible and invited them to ask questions..Why are they doing this??? I might put a sign up directing them to this site so they can read what I think and feel because I cannot trust myself right now or in one hours time to confront them without getting REALLY CROSS ( look I 'm typing in red and caps)I have a PSG meeting this afternoon and I really need to find out who the parent/s are/is but I'll not be told due to confidentiality.....FUNKELL (sorry can't bring myself to type F&*^%$ Hell so abbreviated/bastardised format) I just wish people would get over it...I don't think this is really aimed at my son but at the teacher and they are using the S/N kids issue as a fulcrum to their designs against the teacher, why I will never know.

But they'd better know that if I find out who they are...And I WILL they will be getting a mouthful plus I will lodge a compliant not only with council but the EEO for discrimination. Vilifying any one for any reason is illegal, let alone using the additional needs of a child who may not have your child's capabilities in your vain, silly, narrowminded,ill conceived,petty, illiterate,stupid,inane,F$#@ed UP little game is beyond me. I will find out who YOU are and you will be sorry to have crossed me or involved my child in your game. I think I will post this site address at the pre school and we'll see what we flush out...And I do mean flush because the person is SHIT!!

I apologise to all my regular readers for this little tirade; normal programming will return as soon as I calm down or commit manslaughter..what ever comes first!!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Gra-Gra, Gen X ers and When will the book come out...

Graham Kennedy passed away last week and his memorial "show" was was not a religious service but a celebration of his life and achievements. Funny how I , as a Gen X er, (didn't know this until someone told me I was) remember lots about some one who was a pioneer in the entertainment business. Perhaps because my mum had a bit to do in the industry for a while..She always seemed to know someone or something about the TV and radio personalities of the 60's,and 70's. I have re read a book of my mums by Mike McColl-Jones called "My Funny Friends" which encapsulates the memories and antics of people such as Gra-Gra, Dave Gray, Bert Newton, Mike Walsh, Don Lane, Nolene Brown, during the 60's , 70's and 80's. I think I bought the book for my mum in about 1981 or 1982, so its old but a good laugh.

I have to wonder, how many others of my generation, have such memories or was it just because my parents were older in comparison to my counterparts or was it because my mum took a genuine interest in the people she worked with; as people not celebrities.

Graham Blundell, who was in "The Odd Angry Shot" and "Dons Party" with Graham Kennedy has for years been working on a biographical piece on Kennedy..He has had an on/off relationship with the subject in regards to his (Kennedy's) wanting the book done and being willing to contribute; I think Blundell wanted him to have a say in it. I wonder what the final chapter will say but I bet it's on the shelves before the end of JULY!!!!

And to quote Stuart Wagstaff at the farewell...." Attempted the second Kennedy assassination of our time..." As did Derryn Hinch on his radio program...Although his column in Sundays HUN attempted to make amends, he still attempted to justify his "the dead are owed only the truth" philosophy by siteing instances he perceived to point to Kennedy's homosexuality. What you learn in a business about people should stay there, within that realm. If Kennedy was gay..So what...If he chose to keep it to himself, his choice; no one has the right to take that choice from someone by "outing" them after they are dead. The dead may be owed only the truth, but truth in fact not in innuendo.