Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Gremlin fairies Or why I can't get out to get a pressie

Well,Miss 8 Almost 9 had a small filling yesterday morning, the intention was that she have the procedure and then return to school...But oh, no the little grimy, grotty fairies whom ruin the best intentions of mice and men, but more importantly...ME soon put that idea to rest. I really cannot blame the fairies and SHIT HAPPENS and I hate my plans being upset. Miss 8 Almost 9 had her filling without anethestic; the dentist said it was so small it was not warranted or needed. So, I took that as "expert opinion" and went with it...Apart from the fact I HATE needles and have had 8 fillings ( the most recent 2 weeks ago which was 5 sided , after a tooth got hit and cracked) all without anesthesia. Well, Miss 8 Almost 9 took it well, she put up her hand as told to when the discomfort became too much, only to be told by the dentist "just a bit more" after the second, "just a bit more" I asked him to give her a break, and he complied. She was very ,very brave. After she was happy and ready to go the school and whilst I was settling the bill ( $19 after the private health fund kicked in...yah yah yah) she went outside to wait, and promptly proceeded to THROW UP!!!! She was pale and looked absolutely awful, and in a matter of minutes she had gone from a little girl who had just had her first (minor) filling to a wrung out rag. She had no temperature and the dentist says it happens to a few kids when they have their first procedure apart from regular checks, its just nerves. Anyway, I kept her home from school for the day and was unable to proceed with my plan for birthday shopping for her 9th birthday this week. Mr 6 was devastated, I hear from his teacher, as he could not find her in the playground at recess or lunchtime.

I ,finally, got out today to get her something. She has gone to school today as after a 2 hour sleep and some reading yesterday she was fine...Plus she goes to camp on Thursday and really wants to go.

I don't resent her being ill, I think if any of my plans; no matter how meaningless they are; get cancelled or messed about...I cannot cope. I mean, I got want I wanted for her today...So why did it matter so much to me that I did it yesterday??

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