Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And between the sixth and seventh days..God made speechies

Today Mr 6 Almost 7 had his first speech session for 2007, complete with new book and new abode for his darling, R. His S/P has moved from the planet of the blond receptionist medico centre to her own digs not far away from where she was. It's a light, airy room which ; to me ;was reminiscent of the type of English nursery/children's room you read about in kids books. She has shelves of games and books, a Velcro board with Com Pic pictures on it, a tall table for working on with two straight backed chairs and the smaller toddler table in muted pastels. Mr 6 Almost 7 was very impressed with graduating to the bigger table and chairs. He was on the final leg of his testing which takes up to an hour at a time and if we didn't complete it this week, would have to start again as he will be 7 in 5 days time. The testing involves various game type activities, like repeating number combos of up to three numbers, repeating a sequence of numbers backwards, looking at a picture and being asked "what is the boy doing?" and being able to place as much discription and explanation as possible, placing like objects in groups and using collective nouns and explaining why they are of the same group. They grade his expressive and receptive language skills as well as break it down to his abilities to understand numbers, instructions, comprehension skills, etc. Whilst he was very distracted by the new area and the accessibility of the games, he did very well and the test will be written up and ready for school in time for the 1st PSG for Term 1, 2007. I have put off requesting this so I will have the report to pass on to his teacher as I feel some relevant material is not passed onto the teacher unless I undertake it. All in all, looks like another progressive and fun year with R as his S/P and bonus is I don't take Mr 4 with us any more as I co ordinate the speech appointments for during kindy time.