Monday, July 18, 2005

Naughty,naughty Mr Vizard

Why is it that some animals are more equal than others???I never really understood that under that same circumstances ,for the same "crime" diverse punishments can be doled out. Vizard is a millionaire and will be fined $600K , that is chump change to someone with his financial acumen and resources. Rene Rifkin, albeit was under house arrest and got out of jail "free" for some malady or other..But he went to jail and his insider trading involved less money than Stevie baby. Rene, too, was a public figure as is Steve. So why the difference?
ASIC says its too hard to prove insider trading and to prosecute via the criminal system, is it not the job of the Dept of Public Prosecutions the prove that?? They, together with NCA, AFP and any one else who cared to join the fun, had no trouble tormenting John Elliot for getting out of bed in the mornings a few years ago. What's so special about Steve Vizard?

The "establishment" have dropped him like a hot potato...Why? Was he ever really one of the elite or just a wanna be with charisma, a toothy smile and a quick wit...Bit of a court jester. He says he's sorry, deeply sorry and will spend the rest of his life making restitution, this after he flounced back into Melb after nice relaxing overseas jaunt. Really hard to feel sorry for this guy. Why was he not made to surrender his passport???

Insider trading is theft by deception, plain and simple, it involves the breaking of a wonder he no longer practices law..He'd never be able to uphold client/lawyer privilege. Stocks allocated to him as a stripend for sitting on boards (and what did he do there, provide light entertainment during recesses in meeting??) he sold off with the KNOWLEDGE that changes were about or the company was being sold. This is deceptive and devious.

Steve Vizard should have stuck to what he was good at..But was he ever any good at anything? He's been a lawyer, Uni review actor(who hasn't) TV comedy act, TV host, sat on boards and got his photo in the social pages with the likes of Ron Walker(don't start me on him) I say he pays the full fare, same as Rene, he has the money and can either represent himself ,or, I did recognise a very expensive QC by his side at his court hearing courts are there for a reason, just because he lost money on the deals, only means he's a bad judge of the market; it does not change what he did.

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