Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Blog sphere questions....

Picked this up from The Inner Mind of Jamie (link from my site on side bar) it's fun and if you want to join in the rules are printed below.

1. If there was something you could change about yourself, what would it be? Why?My inability to accepted peoples lethargy about issues and wrongs to themselve and others
2. If you had just one dollar to your name, otherwise broke. Would you give it to a poor person on the street? Why or why not? Probably, I could get a job but if they are on the street they probably need it more than me (although in Melb begging is an art and a money maker)
3. What makes you who you are?Every one I have ever met and everything I have every done, although I think my mum accounts for about 80%of who I am
4. I love this question Spexial. If you had to pick one animal to represent you, which one and why?A cat, because they were once worshipped as demi gods and gods and I think they still think they are today..thats me. I think I'm better than I really am.
5. What is the worst thing you have done to someone? Lodged a undeclared income report with the Tax Office!!!!YES I AM A BITCH ON WHEELS!!!!!

If you want to be interviewed here's how it works.....-If you want to participate leave a comment below that says "interview me."-I will respond by asking you 5 questions, each person's will be different.-You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.-You will include this explanation and and an offer to interview others in the same post.-When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.