Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Blogsphere Questionnaire Extraodanaire

Ok, Mr Oz Ramblings has taken the challenge to be interviewed..He may regret it...LOL
1. If you could be any leader throughout history, who would you like to be and what ONE thing would you change about their leadership/reign?
2. What do you most dislike about yourself that is not physical or tangible and why? Would you change it?
3. Do you believe there is life after death and why?
4. What one book would you turn into an epic film (that has not been done already) and who would play the four main characters?
5. If you could be any thing or any one person in the world for one day and you had to cause major changes in the world during this transformation, what thing/person would you become and what would you change?


Unknown said...

I'm done. Not easy.

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Yep no one loves me boo hoo hoo, even Guru decied to get her interview from Oz...I feel sooo left out....booo hooo *snoooozxzte* (sound of blowing runny nose into a tissue)LOL