Friday, December 16, 2005

Almost years end and a boy has grown............

I have been remiss and placing meme's on my posts instead of saying stuff...Its just I have sooooo much to say and meme's were nice and easy, plus I do have a love affair with them and cannot help myself if I find one or am tagged for one.

2005 is coming to a close and Christmas is upon us. Mr 5 had his kindergarten pageant the other day and he was one of the three wise men and looked very WISE indeed. The teachers did a wonderful job with the kids for the concert and the kids loved the "chacha cha" song. I watched him as he and the other wise men we're prompted by the kinder assistant to take their places, as he happily joined in the singing of the "chachacha" song but not the other songs. I watched him as he took his cues from one of the aides as to where he was to sit and what he was to do. I watched as my little boy tried to keep up with the actions of the song he so dearly loved and as he did a bloody good job of it too and I cried.

I cried for all the seemingly insurmountable hurdles I recognised which we have almost overcome, I cried for the fact that his innocence once did not allow him to know he was not as able as other children and that innocence is lost now, I cried because I realise the vast differences in my children as Mr 3 has the speech ability now that Mr 5 currently has. I cried for all the struggles he has had to contend with just to make himself understood. For all the struggles yet to come. Most of all I cried because he is at a stage I was once told he would not attain...That of speaking almost coherently, being able to sit and socialise, and about to attend mainstream school.

He may not be able to speak fluently as you and I know it to be, but in the world of children he manages to make his ideas clear enough for others to follow. I was told he may never be able to have fully comprehensible speech...Well, we will prove them wrong for on the day he graduates Grade Six in 2011 he will read the graduation poem I wrote for the Grade Sixs at the school. This decision is usually left up to the Grade sixs to decide but I will "pull rank" as the author and ask that he read it that year.

I have seen him grow into a little boy who loves Buzz, StarWars, "cool" cars, and who tries hard to instigate play with others, I am glad in a way that none of the children he went to kinder with are attending school with him; yet it is sad. He has a wonderful support network at school with some older boys who often play with him at school and have asked about his speech and behavior and have shown great understanding and patience with him...For them I am very grateful. He also has some siblings of his sisters friends who are in the same class as him next year and he knows these children too. He is my "Sausage Chops" who is now a "big school boy", he has been a constant wonder this year to myself, his therapists, teachers and family and I can only hope that he continues to grow and in growing, to learn.

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