Monday, December 19, 2005


Another meme...Thanks to Brian
The rules for this particular meme are as follows:

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot. Easy, no?

1. Vince
2. Spider
3. Mr. Secret, Woe
4. Mr. Brian
5. Supamum

Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to. This is the best part. Check the following blogs in the next day or two to see what they have to say about me and my meme.

1. Goddess
2. singlemom
3. Danielle
4. FoxyBrown
5. Supermom

(note: I hardly know anyone who like these and have made ironclad promises not to tag some bloggers ever ever again...So I used some of the friends of Brian and Jamie, hope you don't mind.

So here we go......

What were you doing 10 years ago?
December 1995 sans kids, working out of Canberra 14 plus hours a day. Looked in my diary and found I was on a 1430 flight back to Melbourne in the 19th December. Then probably went out to an all night shopping centre to shop at midnight and get the Christmas shopping done.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Still unpacking after moving on the 10th, trying to Christmas shop, unpack and do the Christmas thing.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Chips.
2. Chocolate
3. Fruit
4. Twisties
5. Fruit

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. "Two Outta Three Ain't Bad" Meatloaf
2. "Copperhead Road"
3. "Evie..Part 1,2,and 3" Stevie Wright and new version by The Wrights
4. "Met Me By the River" Melissa Etherridge
5. Anything from Grease

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1. Pay off our house
2. Pay of friends houses
3. Buy 2nd car
4. Put money into trust for childrens educations and support whilst studying
5. Do same for friends children

...all in that order.

Five bad habits:
1. Drinking Coke
2. Being right...You know I am ALWAYS right
3. Speaking before I think
4. Being too much of a friend to everyone
5. Drinking too much Coke

Five things you like doing:
1. Cooking
2. Sleeping...Like I ever get to do that as much as I'd like
3. Going to the gym
4. Training the new pup
5. Doing stuff with the kids

Five things you would never wear again:
1. Ski overalls...Warm but not a good look
2. Ugg boots...When they were in the first time ..NOT NOW PEOPLE
3. Tights with clogs
4. a wedding dress ( hahahahah)
5. Anything my sister in law buys me

Five favorite toys:
1. PC
2. Mobile phone
3. Hot Wheels
4. Polly Pocket
5. Tamagotchi (still going)

So there you are, if you got tagged ( I'm sorry) but its ok if you don't wish to participate and share

1 comment:

Rey Rey said...

I LOVE how I posted the Pringles image with my answers and everyone after me uses Pringles too! LOL...

Me loves me some Pringles.

God, I feel fat.