Thursday, May 12, 2005

How Confusing.......

Seems I got Parenting Payment mixed up with FTB....DUUUHH.. See what happens when you read too many reviews and watch FOX News too much. Parenting is when your spouse is on Newstart/whatever.....FTB is what SAHM get for staying at home. Thanks to "YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE" for clearing that up for me last night.

Now, if your partner loses his job, he gets Newstart and you were probably getting FTB A & B before when he was in work....If he's out of work, you get FTB A (old child endowment) and instead of B, you get Parenting (roughly equal to Newstart) this is where Pete gets you, you have to look for work too...Hip hip hooray. So both of you, have to attend inane mutual obligation seminars at Centrelink, attend interviews at Job search/IPA/whatever, and find childcare for the kids who were once happy at home with mum...Lets just muck up kids minds, shall we. Of course, Pete and Tanya's little darlings ,when they were young ,never had to worry about that...No, Mrs Treasurer was too busy at tennis backing the tax funded Tarago into bollards on a regular basis.

Had a nice swim session last night at SAC, few too many people not enough space...Need to expand the pool not he gym I think...Not biased I use the gym more than I use the pool, but first things first.

And another piece of info which may not be widely known...if you get Carers Allowance from Centrelink...Pete is giving another "one off" payment of $600 per cared for child/person. Seems the many campaignsby vast organisations are achieving their shoulod be made every year...such carers save the Govt millions in costs.


I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Yes especially if you throw YOUR WALLET to the back of the locker!!!!!! And dump your runners on top of every thing...Jen!!!

Aiyana said...

Ok I admit it, I watch too much Foxtel too and thought I got it all messed up too. Thanks for clearing it up. I was doing the funky chicken dance around the house about the new Parenting thing they bought in.