Thursday, January 12, 2006

Time to think.....

2IC has returned to work and as I am not using the car, he's driving instead of doing the bus/train/bus thing. No car is nice as it means I have no reason the leave the house, cannot visit anyone who asks me to come over and don't have to go to the shops...Unsocial bitch aren't I??

I'm a bit over the whole "people everywhere" thing and just want to be a home body hermit for a while...I am sure I am not the only one to feel like this, probably the only one with the guts to admit it.

I am not adverse to the odd social outing, like Tuesday afternoon I went to the gym with my friend and we made appointments for our reassessments/new programs for last night...I can handle that sort of stuff. It the visits for hours from people who also bring their kids so there are 6,7,8 who knows kids about into everything. I don't mind having people over but during the holidays it seems our place becomes the Mecca for kids...Maybe its my kids toys and games, maybe its my policy of "let them play, clean up afterwards" I don't know...But I am a bit tired of visiting hordes of kids now. For the rest of the week...I'm not home..Least I will try not to answer the phone and screen my calls, answering the door is a bit hard( the kids won't play "lets be quiet and maybe they'll go away") I am unable to comfortably "fib" when someone calls and says "what are you doing?" and reply "Just on my way out", can't think fast enough for that one.

I just want some time with the children to play, garden, read, sit on the verandah and watch them play, talk,tidy up some stuff, clean out old toys, what ever...Without others here.
Am I selfish or is it reasonable???

And on a lighter note, being politically correct and adverse to comments about people based on any diversity...Could not help myself when I read this joke, has to be one of the better blonde jokes ever.

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