Thursday, January 12, 2006


I got my regular "hit" of memes and got tagged by who else but Mr Brian AGAIN. So without further ado, here's the

1: I am so SUPER I have no habits which could be decreed BAD


OK really here we go...

1. I have a strong sense of what is right and wrong, if you are a statutory body, Government office, service provider and you cross me...I will complain, ring your boss,I will march in protest, contact the departmental head , the CEO, I will write letters and demand explanations, I will contact the relevant governing/compliance authority and demand action, I will take the matter to VCAT, Court, tribunal...its a bad habit/trait and I inherited it from my mum.

I drink TOO MUCH COKE, I have mentioned this before but it really is a habit forming thing in my life..Some say but you don't drink coffee so it s ok...No it is not, it is full of sugar and I drink" leaded" (regular) not unleaded (caffeine/sugarfree) and I get antsy if I don' t have some at least once every few days.

3: I talk TOO, TOO much to people I hardly know or have just met. I am the bane of parties as I will "get in your ear" about economics, politics, government policies, funding shortfalls and all manner of inappropriate "just met you" chatter and you will avoid me for the rest of your life!!!!

4: I have to many opinions about too many things which I will pass on to people with or without their asking, I know too much about this and that(or think I do) and am too quick to "advise" someone on what I think they should be doing....Generally, I am BOSSY!!!

5:I like kids lollies, Chupa Chups, Bombs, mates, bubble gum, Sherbies, you name it I like it. My kids have lollies rarely..But Grandda brings them over and they go in a jar in the pantry and guess who is in there the most......ME!!!

So there you have it I am human not super
Now to tag...........
1. JAMIE because Brian told me I could and Jamie is often tagged by Brian, so it is my turn
2. Guruann because she still "owes" a meme from months ago and never did it, but if she's too busy it's ok
3. Jen ...You know who you are..Put it in the comments,but you really should start a blog, you know
4. Supermom because she says I am her antipodean twin, but she does it harder than me

1 comment:

supermom_in_ny said...

I'm going to post my answers on two different blogs. The Snow white blog and the mindsay one. They always have a great response on the mindsay...