Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Truth, fact and undeniabilty

I have been listenng and watching(listening in the car , watching the DVD) a concert by Melissa Etheridge. It was to launch her album "LUCKY" which is goodness knows how old. On it is a brillant song which is track 9 on the album and I think is called "Up and Down this Road I go" its about a guy who was on Flight 93 on Sept 11,2001. About how "he loved his mom, her loved his dad,he loved his home and he loved his man", its about "who you love is'nt who you are" , She sings of the fact that "you cannot change this , you cannot erase this , you cannot pretend this is not a truth" its about no matter who you are, or what label people put on you that we are all equal when it comes down to it.
I have always been a person who has accepted people on face value not creed, race, religion, sexual preference or any other aspects on which bias and hatred is fueled. This story goes a long way to proving that diversity is the key to our society, that it matters not what the diffference is (percieved or otherwise) it is acceptance which is the key. You don't need to understand it all, just accept that we are not all the same and regardless of that, we all have something to offer the world and sometimes it might just be sacrficing our life for others.

And for the record ,I have always liked Melissa Etheridges music, even before she "came out" and I have even more respect for her as a survivor of breast cancer.

1 comment:

supermom_in_ny said...

I totally agree to long lost twin!!!