Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Two plus two

I got tagged..nah,nah,nah,nah by Brian who knows I love memes, so hold on to your seats, awaaaaay we go:

Two Names You Go By --
1. Soso
2. Mummy

Two Parts of Your Heritage --
1. Irish
2. English

Two Things That Scare You --
1. Needles
2. Being out of control

Two of Your Everyday Essentials --
1. Fruit
2. Gym

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now --
1. Jeans
2. husbands t shirt

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment) --
1. Melissa Etheridge
2. Jet

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love) --
1. togetherness in majority of things
2. to be in charge

Two Truths --
1. I am very venegeful and hold a grudge for a LOOOOOOONG time
2. I need to have more faith in my parenting abilities

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You --
1. Physique
2. hands

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies --
1. writing
2. reading

Two Things You Want Really Badly --
1. To just be able to do what we want to the house NOW
2. Another car for fun

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation --
1. Tasmania
2. Ireland

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die --
1. Commence another career and excel in that field doing something for the community
2. Write my thesis on what I want not what some one else thinks I should

Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Guy --(do I change this or not?, let's leave it more fun that way)
1. I can fix most things on a car, change tyres etc
2. I don't wear dresses

Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit --
1. I used to like the Bay City Rollers and wore "roller strollers"
2. I am a sneak chocoholic (I hide it from the kids)

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now --
1. the boys are quiet, what are they up to, do I look now or later?
2. who will I tag with this?

Two Stores You Shop At --
1. Colarado
2. Rivers

Two people I haven't talked to in a while --
1. my da
2. my kids godmother and my cousin,Simone

Two bloggers who may now dislike you for passing this on to them --
1. Jamie (cause he has new glasses and can see stuff now)
2. Not the 6'o clock news ( cause they hate this and I promised not to do it again hahahha)

Th-th-th-th-that's all folks, don't forget to put the toilet seat down!!!!


Salian said...

finally... I was beginning to think I was the only person in the world that was physically attracted to hands.

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

It only 2 things, Not the....come on be a sport, pleeeeeze.............

Crritic! said...

You go to the gym EVERY DAY?!

I know about the chick-hand-thing. I have an inferiority complex about my hands. I call them Irish potato-picking hands.

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Either day or night, yep, compulsive, I know but if I lapse I regress really really badly. Cause I have to take steriods for asthma and infections a lot in stacks the kilos on, so I have to compensate alot with exercise when I can. Right now I am very very over my usual weight...the older I get the harder to berid of it. Usually takes 10 weeks...might take 12 this time.PLus I am a chocoholic, have to have some everyday

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Irish potato picking hands hmmmmmmmm...never heard that term before and I come from a line of Irish potato pickers...actually its done by machine nowdays y'know.