Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Seven things about me

I got tagged by Jamie because I felt left out by Brian and Supamum SHOULD never be left out (are you all listening to this?, yes, good!!!) Luv you Jamie and Brian too even though he knows I love this stuff but he is SUCH a megastar and knows SOOOOO many people he cannot be expected to tag everyone!!! LOL
SO onwards and whatever......

Seven things I want to do before I die:
1. See my children grow up and achieve what they want, because its what they want .
2. Complete my book
3. Practise law (pro bono)
4. Have the garden and interior that we want without wanting the change it
5. Travel the England and Ireland and track down some more relations
6. Get over my fear of flying
7. Go to Tasmania again

Seven things I can do:
1. Write a what Iwant first time most times
2. Cook stuff from scratch
3. Swear
4. Talk A LOT
5. Swim laps whilst remembering poetry and lines from plays
6. Change a tyre, oil , trans fluid, bleed brakes and lines
7. Drive a tractor

Seven things I cannot do:
1. Watch an injection, give an injection, see an injection...You get the idea\
2. See without my glasses
3. Not be compulsive about a new author, hobby, food, shop, etc
4. Stop talking
5. Drive a truck
6. Eat seafood
7. Be comfortable at a gathering where I don't know many people

Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Sense of humor
2. Laugh
3. Conversation
4. Eyes
5. Facial features
6. Physique
7. Shoes

Seven things that attract me tot he SAME sex: (had to think on this)
1. Sense of humor (has to be warped)
2. Conversation
3. Knowledge
4. Common interests
5. Dress sense ( practical, not going to Oaks Day every day dress sense)
6. Likes to talk ALOT
7. Openness
Seven things I say most often:
1. What a tosser!!!
3. Give that to Mummy, please
4. There you go....
5. How dare they... ( usually when talking to my friend whilst she is at work and she has to see someone)
6. Sexy (refers to anything good, that I like, that is yummy whatever)
7. Come back here!!!!!
Seven celebrity crushes:
1. Richard Gere
2. Sean Connery
3. Richard Gere
4. The guy who plays Adam in "Last Man Standing"
5. George Clooney
6. Randy Jones ( cowboy from Village People, yes, when he was younger, however VP supported Cher here at her concert and he still has it)
7. Did I mention Richard Gere???

Seven tags:
OK will tag some I have never tagged but I visit their sites occasionally:
Sign Language, Enzogopher ( cause I think she'd have fun with this) Snow White, PDD etc,
and any one else who wants to I guess as not every one like these memes I know.
Bye and don't forget to put on clean undies.


supermom_in_ny said...

Hey Supamum!!!
Got your tag!! I posted it on my blogspot blog and my mindsay blog (I put a link to your site there).
Pass by Mindsay, I posted pictures of my dwarves over there and I write many stories about my life. At Mindsay, people are captivated by my life and I have more interaction with the blogging community. Just google supermom2005 and the mindsay blog will come up. When you visit, you may want to bring a box of tissues. All of the stories are true and some are tearjerkers...
Till next time!!!
Snow White, 7 Dwarves and PDD

supermom_in_ny said...

Here's the link for my mindsay blog:
http://supermom2005.mindsay.com/. Enjoy the read. BTW, everyone is loving the meme at mindsay. I decided to post it at Myspace too.

Crritic! said...

Supamum, you can drive a tractor?!? Now that's what I call hot.

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Yep with a bailer,or a trailer or a old boiler for fertiliser or a just about anything in tow..just cannot master mutiple high low gears in the truck. I like tractors better esp the old MF's (Massey Fergusons)

Crritic! said...

Talk dirty to me!

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

LOL, , manifold, jump gear, crankshaft, CV joint, Cv boot, tie rods, distributor, pistons, throttle, .........need i really continue with this public display of mechanical attraction??