Thursday, October 27, 2005

Happy Birthday to my baby

Today is Mr Almost 3's Third Birthday....So he is now Mr 3!!! Actually not really till 1334 today but hey, birthdays are an all day affair. It is strange to have no baby in the house any more with as by the time the others were this age there was a baby about so it is a very strange feeling. No!!! I am not contemplating another.
I am not that selfless that I am able to do the night feeds, walking the floor and such with the unquestionable dedication that I hear others doing. Although I read about a book titled the "Myths of Motherhood" or such and how we all hate the sleep deprivation, the confinement ,the routine, etc and that it is really HARD WORK and psychologically and physically draining and anyone who tells you otherwise or neglects to tell you the 80% bad stuff is perpetuating the myth.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY BOY...Although he tells me he is not a baby but he will always be my baby. He was the last, he is the youngest, he is the happiest (for now) Just as Miss 8 is my baby girl because she was the first and is the only girl, Mr 5 is my baby boy because he was the first boy. They are and will always be ,my babies.


supermom_in_ny said...

Well, Happy Birthday to the Little Man!!! May you all enjoy the day and the cake...

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Especailly the cake....LOL

Carmell said...

it was my son's birthday too!!! hes 7