Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Last Man Standing has stood

You may recall my slight fixation with a locally produced TV program "LAST MAN STANDING" which sadly and unfortunately was cancelled a few weeks ago and aired its last episode last night. Any one who wants some insight into the show, read the blurb on the link above it also has some great piccies of the very spunky (I think so anyway) Rodger Corser who plays Adam.

I am sorry the show has finished as it was a good Australian production, writing and casting...Despite my nit picking about location errors. I am sorry that I will no longer have my Tuesday night perve at half naked men,gasp at the audacity of machoism and chauvinism, revel in the reality of it in relation to real life situations, and swear at the sexism ...But then so are thousands of others who are just not game enough to admit this.

Like I said before it was like Sex In the City for men, but it's women who were the majority viewers and some aren't ready to confront such realities head on yet. Goodby Adam, Cameron and Bruno you will be missed by some. And I hope Marieke Hardy writes another series soon!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Definitely ,most definitely...I mean if the character of Adms sister is gay,I say lets intro OS visitor who's soooo articulate and good looking he manages to get one of the "boys' to change teams...yeah lets re write the whole series then I can be really happy.