Thursday, May 26, 2005

Lookee here.....Pratice What You Preach

Seems things have caught up with local Crs, have to question Nardella's motives (State involement in Local Governanace) but very nice to see that something is being done this possible misuse of facilities
SEARCH under Medcraft
So now the Cr has to answer the question and maybe with the VEC amendments a new broom may sweep clean...if one can be found in the closet (hahahaha)Or under the wall paper perhaps!!!!


Guruann said...

Nardella, has a history in Sunbury, when he was the upper house member he had is office in Sunbury, I think he still takes an interest in the place.

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Yep. remember his office was in OShanessy st, I think where Garrasins are now I think. He's in Melton I think a freind wrote to him re; SLD funding this year and he met with her and her son. She live in Diggers which would be under Melton area???

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Very true, very true

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Hello jack I know you are googling you r own name and visiting...I can SEE you ;)