Thursday, April 19, 2007

Telstra SUXS....multi call centre ring around

Now I need to vent and vent I will, for as the proverbial steam needs to rise from it enclosure so does my anger with this telecommunications maze. I have recently switched my mobile carrier to T from another inept carrier who shall remain nameless, my bill due date was the 15th monthly which suited my accounting needs. Apart from forgetting the promised rebate of $50 for ordering a new phone on line and the promised $40 for leaving my existing carrier a week before the contract ended, I have not had much need to contact them. Until now......
in April my bill for March was due the 13th instead of the 15th, this DID not suit my needs or accounting timetable, so I called to request that the DUE DATE be made 15th MONTHLY and the billing cycle revise to reflect this. Now, if you work in a department called , BILLING, I think you'd know the difference between a BILLING DATE and a DUE DATE. But no, not the undoubtedly blond "Who Weekly" subscriber I had the misfortune of encountering. So today I received another bill 6 days after I paid the last one!!!!!!!!!! The doffus had placed the 16th as the BILLING DATE. I rang Telstra AGAIN to rectify the problem, so after talking to the inept voice recognition program and then getting to speak to a real person, then identifying myself, she then told me I had to go to another section and transferred me , where I again had to identify myself and go thorough the whole spiel again. What ever happened to phone courtesy, you know ; if you transfer a call you identify the caller to the other person and then tell the caller you are transferring them to Sally/ Jane/ Bob or Bill. Meanwhile the power went out and so did the phone, so ends that call.
So I call from my trusty mobile, again I enjoy the illustrious and welcoming timber of the electronic voice answering service, again I tell it my required section, again I am transferred to a real person and for the third time I identify myself and state my reason for calling, AGAIN I need to be transferred and so on and so forth, you get the picture. Telstra suxs chunks and the sooner they sort themselves out the better. I cannot say I am for the sale but their level of customer service has reached the depths of ineptness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*chuckle* Been there, done that - moved on!

(actually away from the dreaded Telstra lurgy)