Thursday, March 23, 2006

What have I been up to...God only knows

Well, here we are in the second week of the school holidays and I have absolutely no idea where time has gone. I know some parents wish the holidays to fly but I have so much to do, so many people whom we promised to catch up with in the holidays and now here we are on the second last day of them!!!!
I have had the kids half yearly dental check ups done and Miss 8 Almost 9 needs a small filling which will get done next week. Mr 6 had speech pathology last week and was all over the room like a blue arse fly, his pathologist was amazed as the past appointments have been in the afternoons of a school day so he would have spent 4 hours in school before attending therapy and is obviously more settled then. She asked me half way through the session if he is always like that , my reply was "Welcome to my world" He was unable to sit through one work session let only the 3 she had planned, he was on the floor, under the table, wanting to go to the toilet, at the computer, you name it, he was into it. She told him he was making her dizzy. He has a pediatrician appointment next week and I will discuss it with her as it is something his teacher has noticed in the last week of term also.
I caught up with my pal, Maxine and her daughter who is the same age as Miss 8 Almost 9. And another friend visited yesterday after Maxine left, she has a daughter with Aspergers whom I have been helping with learning to read for the past two years. Stevie (as I call her) missed out on funding at school and the school placed the onus on her parents to facilitate her reading deficiency, so I took over for the second half of Prep and grade 1, then Mandy got a home tutor who specialises in special needs kids. Stevie is now only slightly behind her counterparts and the school tried to take the credit for it!! Any way, Mandy and her tribe of two visited yesterday and she looks very well and very in control considering her diagnosis of MS and the fact that her son has a partial diagnosis of "some form of autism spectrum disorder". It never rains, it pours for this woman. But we have been friends for over 20 years, she was bridesmaid and her husband best man at our wedding and she knows I am ALWAYS there for her.
Speaking of weddings, it was out 17th wedding anniversary last Saturday, there is no listing for what is a traditional gift and what is a modern gift for a 17th, so I gave him some Lindt choccies and he gave me some Jelly Belly jelly beans...So the official 17th wedding anniversary gift is now,chocolates and Jelly beans!!!And on the subject of celebrations it will be my da's 80th on Saturday but his party is on Sunday at our place.
I have been training the pup, I have not mentioned him much as when I first mentioned him; there was an issue raised in regards to our existing dog ; with council. This was done anonymously and in a very, very covert manner and also contry to councils guidelines in regards to accepting complaints. Suffice to say, the matter is with a higher authority and I am entertaining the idea of issuing a writ against the council for accepting and entertaining a malicious and vexatious compliant in in a manner contary to their own guidelines which therefore was vilifying of our character and statue in the realm of the dog world. You see, we are both accredited dog obedience instructors and long time trainers and dog handlers, we are both stewards and members of many clubs and affiliations within the dog world. Heads will roll, I care not who complained or why, I care that local authorities feel they can circumvent their own guidelines which are in place to stop this sort of un warranted harassment. Watch this space.
anyway, the pup, (who for privacy reasons shall remain nameless) has been wonderful; we have been to a local park ( off lead area) today with our friend from Portland who's dog sired him. He needed to learn a bit of respect for other dogs so his father gave him a "bit of what for" . I do not advocate dogs fighting but there are times when nature needs to allowed to run its course...And he learnt his place in the pecking order without any blood letting. Having a dog on a lead and pulling it back again and again, does little except teach them to try again. Let them do what nature intended and the younger will learn its place and respect for it elders...As did someone today. We are meeting up again later for another play session offlead and tomorrow is a local Obedience Trial at Riddells Creek which I think I will peruse. Mr 3 has a party to attend tomorrow afternoon so I have some four year old shopping to do and I am debating attending obedience club tomorrow or visiting the trial and catching up with some friends.

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