Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentines Day

I was thinking about VD past and realised that 20 years ago I was at the Dire Straits "Brothers In Arms" concert on VD 1986 with 2IC and a few thousand others. It was a Friday ( how's that for a memory) and was 38 degrees Celsius, (or very high 30's). The tickets were a VD gift to each other..I think. Yesterday I arranged for 2IC to get 2 lots of little choccie hearts delivered from The Chocolate Box (YUM)
The delivery was made but 2IC being the workaholic he is, did not go to the front office to collect the package as he thought it was work related and would get it tomorrow on his way in. When I called him on his way home to ask if he had received a delivery, I heard him say "NO,... Oh oh". And being the chocoholic he is..He hightailed it back to the office( he was actually getting a lift to the station from a work mate so the work mate told him he should go back and get them) So he came home with his 1/2 kilo of choccie hearts tore open the packaging and threw one heart shaped container at me and said "Happy Valentines Day". Rarely the romantic but when he trys he does well. I did not marry him for romance ( too much is BORING) we are soul mates, melded beings, so alike but so different, I never recall thinking he was the "ONE" but that I did not want to be apart from him or his life, that our lives were linked in some way and that a piece would be missing if we were not together.


Guruann said...

awwww, how sweet

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Want a choccie heart??? Will send you one.

supermom_in_ny said...

That's beautiful. I haven't been that lucky in the love department.

Were your ears ringing today? My daughters were watching The Crocodile Hunter on Animal Planet (a cable channel)today and Australia became the topic for the rest of the evening.

The Princess wanted me to ask you if you live near the Australia Zoo. She asked me to take her there. (As if it was that easy?!) She is studying the 7 continents (she has a test tomorrow) and she was fascinated by you and your country and she wanted to learn more. I know, I know...we Americans are ignorant when it comes to geography and science. The Princess also asked me to ask you if you ever get any snow. She can't recall ever seeing the Crocodile Hunter in anything but shorts! Funny kid.
You can thank Animal Planet for the barrage of questions...hehehe