Monday, February 06, 2006

It 's only just begun......

Well, here I am again and it appears all systems are not really go with the funding for Mr5 A;most 6. I sent an e.mail to the principal regarding a PSG meeting ( Program Support Group) which HAS
to be held each term. He told me he will give it to the deputy principal who handles all that stuff...We are in the second week of a 6 week term ( due to the Commonwealth Games) and this has to be done NOW!!!!!! Maybe I am a bit pushy and want my own way too much but if it has to be done then, done it will be.

Apparently they are going to advertise the position for an aide, and I think there may be another child with funding so it may be a 10 or more hour a week position. My sons teacher wants the aide time to be in the morning during the literacy block...Which is fine with me. I have been in contact with the ACD who advised me push for the front fences to be increased in height given that Mr 5 Almost 6 is a flight risk or a permanent teacher presence in the junior playground area near this fence. So it continues............

I knew I would have to push for some things but I never realized I would have to jump up and down about things which have to be carried out for the benefit of my son and his education, which are a criteria for the funding being given. I thought PSGs were a given, like having to show ID to collect airline tickets or such; I never thought I would have to ask and chase about for them. I have much yet to learn about the Catholic Education system and special needs kids it seems, with few SN kids in the system and less even at my sons school, and the privacy issues ( I can't ask who else is SN or getting funding) there are few venues to go for advice and help. Luckily I have a friend who is currently a teacher in a Catholic school and her husband is a principal...They have been a wealth of information and help to date.

On a local note, a certain local shop which sell children playthings, has decided to no longer have lay by. This I discovered when I found Thunderbird 2 (TB2) ( after months of searching) at the shop and so it could remain hidden until Mr5 Almost 6's birthday, I requested layby...To be told that they are no longer doing layby because of all the non pickups from Christmas. Excuse me if I am wrong but if someone has paid money on a lay by, you have that money and the goods still , you are able to sell the goods as the layby terms have not been adhered to .....YOU ARE AHEAD!!! All I can say to that is TOYS "R" US HERE I COME!!!!!! And local traders wonder why they have no clientele...Is it any wonder??????????

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