Friday, January 06, 2006

Where does time go?

I have to wonder where time has gone lately...Yes I know I have been doing nothing and everything but time has run amuck on me it seems. I have already read my Christmas "junk" book "Lovers and Players" by Jackie Collins ...Yes I read trashy stuff too!!!! Almost finished "Predator" by Patricia Cornwell and think I may have missed reading the previous one "Trace" but have to check the bookcases. The two eldest went to see "The Chronicles OF Narnia"with Daddy. We have redecorated/redesigned Miss 8's room. I have cleaned out the toy box in her room and the children's book case. Mr 3 is fully toilet trained and how melancholy it is not to buy nappies any more when shopping after NINE years of buying them....I almost miss it. At least I admit it.

We are working on the kitchen/vegetable garden and have to get rid of some agapanthus along the fence...Really bad plants to have to dig up but it has to be done. 2IC has done some lovely hanging baskets for the back verandah which are nice. He fixed Mr 5's remote control truck which broke last Feb and never got repaired. We shopped for school shoes and lunch boxes, Mr 5 is a size 13!!!! And I have labeled all the clothing for Mr 5 which needed labeling. He now wakes up each day asking if he goes to school today.

Best of all..We got placed with the speech pathologist we wanted, she rang on the 22nd December to say she could take Mr5 as a patient. He sees her on the 2nd Feb for an assessment...Lets hope it continues with the funding from the Catholic Education Office coming through for help at school for his teacher.

The kids have been playing under the soaker hose on the hot (40degrees Celsius plus) evenings...Oops I mean the hand held spray attatched to the hose being used during assigned hours of operation as per the water restrictions.

They have been riding bikes, playing with the pup (who is growing and now weights in at 7.6kgs)reading, playing PC games, running about and YES, GLORY BE....SLEEPING IN!!!!
I did not know what hit me when it first happened and then it kept happening, no children in our room or our bed with us before 0930 or even 1030....MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!!!

1 comment:

supermom_in_ny said...

Busy doing nothing???!!!
More like swamped doing everything!!!
You are so great to even be able to write about this all. I got tired just reading about it....hehehe....