Monday, August 01, 2005

And yet it continues...........So on and so forth...

It seems that the yuk bug within our house has abated somewhat with Mr Almost 3 being well and merry but alas and alack Mr 5 came down with it at 0300 on Friday morning and was a write off for all of the weekend and is still tired today. So no EIP today but he want to go to kindergarten this afternoon, we shall see. Must admit it was nice that every one slept in on Friday (Miss 8 had a in service day..So no school) and I did not wake up till 0900..Oh my, oh my it was WONDERFUL.

There are some interesting matters about in Sunbury at the moment. An alternative forum, Sunbury Community Forum, has posts about supposed, underlying threats made by a local representative because he doesn't like what they post about him. So much so he has spat the dummy on another forum and left the area (again) as he did this once before. I think if you enter the political arena ;at what ever level; you have to know before hand that perhaps not everyone likes or agrees with you. That if you have extreme right wing ideals (capital punishment, indeterminable incarceration, detention centres for asylum seekers, etc.)you should perhaps keep them to yourself a bit instead of spouting them about for people to disagree with you and if you don;t like it ,get out . Easy enough??

Open debate is subjective but can become objective, debate based on fact and not fallacy, methods not majority, facts not fears is the manner is should be conducted. If people choose to openly express their ideals on a public, local forum and they are a local, elected representative...Their ideals and comments become public record and are subject to public comment and scutiny by the constituents. I don't see HoWARd running to Ruddock every time a columnist lampoons him for what he says. Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Everyone has a right to an opinion and everyone has a right to disagree with that opinion, but if your opinion is ill based, inciting of hate, biased or even just wrong...Others have a right to say so...Without personal attacks. Some people seem to be getting away with calling others "naive", "commos" "social bleeding hearts" and if reversed, the batter doesn't like the bowling he's getting.

I really hope other people within Sunbury recognise that a new broom sweeps clean and much of the other side of our representative is left unacknowledged by the local press. PALS (which has no web site, I can find) is a organisation which supposedly supports victims of crimes...How I am unsure as they seem to be AGAINST things. Plus why are there support groups like PADV if we have caped vigilantes like PALS??? Why do they not have a web site? What are they hiding? And why is this person known by one name as an elected official and another in his duplicity of roles as President of PALS? Why is he the ONLY person ever to speak on behalf of PALS? Is it true as he stated in Chambers ...He has "no mates"?


Unknown said...

Oh, they have a website. It's at

The only contributer seems to be JSM

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Hmmmm very scary ,vigilante type of stuff...note they are non tax where"s the $5 go. Perhaps the ATO should look into it, might give Mike Carmody a call. LOL ;)