Monday, June 06, 2005


As the title implies...I have calmed down enough to write again and not rave...I don't think any one really wants to read about my sleeplessness over a few narcissistic mums at a local suburban preschool...but if you do wish to read such rantings..feel free to visit but it will only be updated when I feel the need.

I am very very happy because Mr 5 has managed to get the idea of toileting....oooooh yuk you say...but he trained for bladder control 12 months ago and its taken another 12 months to get the "other" bit happening. If you have a child with additional needs you tend over look the stuff like toilet training as a small part of the bigger picture, but it shows what perseverance, a good psychologist and lots of big time bribery can get you.

I will be interested to watch the interview/show with Rod Astbury about Graham Kennedy...Derryn Hinch claims he will be vindicated. Still cannot agree with his "outing" of someone who chose to live "un known". If people wish their sexual preferences to be known they will let you know, if they do not, no one has the right to assume, insinuate or tell it like it is.

Miss 8 has created a reading corner in her room, it consists of a sari thingo Daddy bought her from a Malaysian trip, "Post It"'s on the wall telling you what it is and what book/s are currently being read there, cushions and toys...we will see how tidy it remains. Found it a bit hard to vacuum around, had to lift it all and replace it all...DRAAAATS.

All three had a lovely time at their "big" cousins 18th yesterday afternoon....don't care what anyone says but there were in excess of 8 teenagers there too (18 and over) all who looked out for the littlies, danced with them, played with them, and went out of their way to make them feel included....Thank you , Craig, Sarah, "Mosh", Wayne, for teaching Mr 5 to dance and helping him when he got discouraged. You are very special people, don't every change.

And to my niece..please no more piercings or at least don't tell me...MIL(nana) is at me and at me to tell what I know oh and ..........................................................


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