Reminiscent of Adrian Cronauer's call sign made famous by Robin Williams portrayal...
I have been busy to say the least and am nearing the end, and the beginning of something familiarly comfortable in my life and something else which is the culmination of a life long aspiration and I believe, what was meant to happen.
Not saying too much here because no doubt there are still the covert little police wannabes who like to know all and try and bully people with their BS. So for those who know where I am, you know where to find me for the low down.
I know that I was destined to do this and it feels so comfortably right and natural that I have to wonder why I resisted the pull of it all for so long. I think that the thirst for this was slacked in my work and what I undertook there to some extent.
I have had the privilege of having made some great friends who also were my mentors, they had allowed me to build and explore, to learn and develop into what I am now. For that I will forever be in their debt and I owe owe them much for without their encouragement and discourse; I probably would have doubted myself in this. The best part is that having made these friendships, I know have like minded friends to talk 'shop' with.

The worst part is I now have the bug and may well extend this beyond what I have accomplished...but that's another entry.