Monday, April 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Miss 10

The former Miss 9 is now officially Miss 10 , double figures, never again to be a single digit age!!!!!
2IC flew back from OS after a 3+ week absence on her birthday: YAH, YAH, YAH and that's not just the kids LOL. Apart from attempting to buy part of her birthday present with Mr 4 in tow..."No I did not buy you a fish tank, he must be remembering when we went to the Aquarium to get fish food". Trying to hide the said non existent fish tank: " Stay out of my wardrobe, I do not have the Spiderman outfit in there" and organising to collect a bookcase I got on eBay for her room after I asked the seller if she'd hold it till the weekend of the 31st for me, then having her pull rank and dictate that it'd have to be collected Saturday as she was out Sunday...( NOTE TO SELF: Never send money in advance on CO Pick UP item as a gesture of good will to hold as it WILL back fire) I was tearing my hair out come Saturday. All went well and Miss 10 got her much coverted The Dragon's Eye book, the new Clarice Bean book, and her much wanted Jebo tank for her room. ( Are three fish tanks over doing it a tad???)
During the afternoon, 2IC, in between jet lag snoozes and PS2 games with the boys; helped Miss 10 re arrange her room ( seems adolescent impulse arrives with the tween age)I left on a intrepid road trip to the eastern suburbs ( may well have been the eastern states) with my pal, B to collect the eBay bargain bookcase. Given my past interlude with travelling across town, I'm glad for her coming and and the use of her Catholic school bus Tarago to cart the bookcase back in. We had a wonderful time chatting on the way over but I AGAIN used WHEREISIT and it again tells you to turn LEFT from Manningham Rd to get to the Eastern Freeway, which we AGAIN followed and AGAIN got lost. Never the less ,we arrived at our destination not 51/2 hours later but 15 minutes after we said we would be there, not too bad but B is a much better navigator and has a better sense of direction then I . So we arrived back with Miss 10's other birthday gift in tow, a solid wood bookcase, 61/2 foot high painted mauve and blue, which cost me all of $42 and nice trip across town with a good friend.LOL It was worth it to make her 10th something special. I'm not big on parties as they tend to turn into little power games and "I invited you to mine" scenarios. We might still make a special trip to the piccies with a few select friends, one of the blessings of birthdays near the school one really ever finds out if there was a party at all!!!!LMAO!!!!

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