Thursday, June 01, 2006

Q: When is a grub, not a grub?

A: When it is Tony Abbot that uses the term in Parliament.

Duplicity and inconsistency dwells within many facets of our society, duplicity in declared alliances and true allegiances, inconsistency in what people say they are when it suits them and what they hide from the community when they feel it will affect a favorable outcome. Such factors are oft beyond the control of the average John or Joanne Citizen...However when it comes to the House Of Representatives, the so called Peoples House where the representatives of our electorate speak for us and in our stead the tone of equality and consistence needs to be unquestionable.

This was not the case on May 25th when Mr Abbott decried Mr Thompsons attempt to pass a motion in regards to debate about AWB shares held by and sold by John Anderson. Abbott requested moved a motion "that the snivelling grub over there be not further heard" and after outrage by the Opposition ,Abbotts response was "If I have offended grubs, I withdraw unconditionally". This set a precedent for motions about "snivelling grubs" and lowered the tone of the peoples house considerably,some action or reprimand shouldd have been made by the Speaker but he accepted the withdrawal of "If I have offended grubs, I withdraw unconditionally" WHAT A JOKE.

Yesterday, in a test of the objectivity and equalityty afforded in the House of Representatives; Julia Gillard, bravely and unbeatablyly, passed the exact same motion in regards to "snivelling grubs"and with the exact same worded withdrawal, she was consequently, suspended from Parliament for 24 hours.

Whilst I do not want to advocate the drollness or disdain with which the motion was primarily made nor do I wish to heap platitudes on the actions which have succinctlyly pinpointed the inadequacieses of the House of Representatives speaker; I feel it is fair to say that a point has been taken and made. The Speaker needs to address the issue of the inequality of the decisions he makes, the Government need to act as adults, and govern with transparency and honesty, they need to accept that the questions and motions put to them are for the people by the people and the use of terminology such as "snivelling grubs" they are encompassingng all constituentsts in that realm. They are showing disrespect for the people they have been elected to govern and lead, they are showing ill regard for societes rights to question the roles and interests of their elected officials in illegal and clandestine activitieses.

Elected officials at any level need to be sorely reminded that their place is but by the grace of the people who elected them, forget factional in fights, branch stacking and the ever present corporate interest groups. It is the PEOPLE you govern and decide for, not petrol companies, big business, multi national corporations or the USA. We need people ,such as Julia Gillard, to stand up for what is right, what is unequal and to prove the inequalities, inadequacies, inconsistencies and duplicity where ever it is.


Crritic! said...

Well said, Supamum. It wasn't the most edifying week I've spent in Canberra.

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Puberty, you mean you grew out of it???? Must've been a hoot, Crrtic! nOT