Monday, March 06, 2006

Weird, Strange and Random

I got tagged ( AGAIN, I am so excited by memes it's dangerous) by Jamie.
The rules are very simple and easy

1. Thank the person that tagged you.
2. List 5 random/strange/weird things about you.
3. Tag 5 other people.


1.I like to read crime/thriller books but cannot and will not watch them in a movie format

2. I have a pin in my ankle which hurts when the weather is going to get colder. This is real. Many people say this is a furphy..But I can say it's for real.

3.I like kids parties but I have to choke back tears at my children parties when I see them so happy and in awe.

4. I judge my writing by my own reaction to it, if a poem makes my cry each time; I know ( think) it's good, same with anything I write.

5. I read in the bath.

Now whom to tag....???/
No one likes to play such games about here very much, so I guess I will tag who ever wants to participate....OK.

Don't forget to play ball with the dog!!!!


I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Oh Shit, HELLO went mad and now there are dos everywhere LMAO

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

DOGS I meant DOGS...NOW I am going mad