Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I'm BAAAAAACK.........................

Well I think I am out of my frump but then again is is probably PMD or just with Cup Day holiday and curriculum day Monday, my little sense of control over my little world and all that live in it was out and so was I ....Make sense??? No? Tough!
I am watching with interest the outcomes of preferences for the local election, some people have been dudded it seems, others 150 word info blurbs actually support other candidates who do not reciprocate in theirs. Interestingly, a vision of rats jumping a sinking ship comes to mind.
I won two prizes in a Stay At Home (SAH) raffle on Friday night, those who are unfamiliar with this type of fundraising read on , every one else...Well, skip on or buzz off. A SAH raffle is run the same as a regular raffle but you put you phone number on the ticket with your name. From a certain time on the designated night they commence drawing the tickets ( and drinking ,I hear tell) prizes are lined up or in another draw and you answer your phone and get told what you have won. You have to be home and answer the phone to win and drawing continues until all prizes are won. I won a SLAB............(hahaha made you look ) of soft drink (24 cans) and a flower pot. And I only bought 5 tickets. Too Good.

Miss 8 has almost finished Harry Potter And the Philosophers Stone (HP1) however ,by the time school is over today she will have finished it as I noted she left her hat at home which will designate her to the shaded area at lunch today where I know she will read. They say from the mouths of babes come gems.... I was told today that HP is the best book she has ever read (this is saying something as she reads Enid Blyton, Lauren Child, Gretal Killeen, Megan McDonald, Ronald Dahl because" you feel like you are really there". She showed little interest in reading it before now and has finished it in four days. Onwards to HP2???

Mr 5 asked for a "friend" to came over after kinder today...Given that the mother is one of the 22 whom I have rubbed the wrong way...I was apprehensive and then came the lifesaver in that the child says "yeah, I want to come because he has Buzz and Buzz's rocketship and Lego like at kinder" Not because he is the friend my son thinks he is, but because of what he has. So there was a NO to that little escapade. I have had enough "friends" over to play with him who only play with his toys or worse still if there is more than one child over, they exclude him. He was happy enough to come home and play in the sand pit with his brother and the new "tagtors" (tractors) Mr 3 got for his birthday.
Tomorrow is Oaks Day at the Spring Racing Carnival otherwise known as Ladies Day....For a laugh you could park by the main stations to many suburbs in Melbourne and outer Melb for that fact and watch the inebriated toddle home in $500 dresses with heels they'll never wear again. And yes, I could have got marqee tickets but no one asked.
Bye and don't forget to hose out the milking shed.

1 comment:

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

Why??? Was it Socerers Stone was there another book with Philo Stone in the title somewhere?