Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Equal representation = true representation

Local elections are all over bar the shouting, we voted, we decided, we overcame. After years of an inequitable situation where the "representation" of women in the community was left up to the nuances of MEN...We now have not ONE but TWO female representatives on Council. Well done to Ann Potter (Jackson Ward) and Moya White (Aitken Ward)!!!

The concept of real independent, representation stems not from the ideal of non alignment with party polices or guidelines but from the representative taking an advocating role for groups and individuals as well as a spokesperson and representative role for the community who elected them. This is not to say that every little upset and dispute can be solved by the Councillor, but that people have a sounding board who can often explain processes and assist in minimising later problems in the matter. Many people do not realise that Crs have NO control over Council employees. Having female representative allows for accessiblity to a wider part of the community who may not have spoken out before or felt they had true representation.

Councillors who attempt to push their own issues in the guise of the communities issues have a mistaken understanding of their role as a REPRESENTATIVE. The use of a public office, be it local, State or Federal, for the grandstanding and pushing of ones personal agenda is an abuse of the faith placed in a person by the electorate.

I , for one, am glad we now have more women on Council..I'd like to see more but I think it is an unenviable position to take on the role as advocate and spokesperson for so many people with diverse opinions. But I am grateful to those who do, they represent the mother, the female form, and often the voice of reason, they offer another view, another opinion that is not dominated by a tetstorone generated pissing contest.
** With apologies to all my male readers.