Thursday, October 13, 2005

Pup, pup, puppies

Well, the pups have been born, there are NINE, there was 11 but two were stillborn ( it happens). Miss 8 has not stopped asking about when we get it, what to name it, will it look like Chauncy (the sire) what colour will it be, etc, etc. The pups are at Portland and our friend who is a stickler for training ,likes pups to trained from 6 weeks..I advocate this too. The after 12 week thing is a breeder issue to do with infections and such, if the dog socialises with vaccinated dogs, it cannot catch anything..It NEEDS to socialize before the rough play behavior and status levels kick in , before someone mistakes themselves as the ALPHA DOG. You see in my house, I AM THE ALPHA DOG/CAT!!!!

So hopefully we will get the pup in early December, in plenty of time for Christmas (early present). Miss 8 wants to train the dog, I told her she can help and I will train it and she can compete (Fun Day competitions) But I will be taking the dog into OBEDIENCE comps....Yes, I am re entering the realm of the obedience ring after a eight year break, last competition I was in I was 7 months pregnant with Miss 8. I have a lot to learn as the gradings have changed, the exercises have changed, event the titles for the dogs have changed.

This dog will be very important to us as our friends will choose it for us, his dog is the sire and he and his wife taught us almost all we know about dogs and obedience training. They no longer compete; as he is ill, so this in a way is a legacy to ensure that something carries on. This has never been spoken of but between friends such as us...Words are not needed. He is a man of few emotions, but of great honour whom we respect greatly. They are like surrogate grandparents to our children. And I will achieve with this dog all that he is capable of and ensure the legacy lives on in my children too.

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