Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Two Deviated Points;;Ooops ,no funding for you..Sorry.

I got a call last week which I have internalised until we sorted out the implications and ramifications. It appears that Mr 5 has an IQ of 74, Vineland 68, Verbal 77 Overall performance of 73. Regardless of what this might mean in the "real" world; to DET and the CEO, it means absolutely SFA. Nada, Zilch. No dice. With regards to any sort of funding to help him at school..Let alone him qualifying to go to the specialist school part time. Whilst I am happy that his IQ scored high, this is within the two deviated points allowed so he well may be a 70 or 69.5 and has been marked up..We will never know because once the scores indicate over the required level a written report is not done. So I have scores and I will have a written speech path. Report and hopefully a diagnosis report from his pediatrician and that is all the school will have to help them learn to teach him..It ABSOLUTELY SUCKS. The school can use existing funding the help him but this won't happen. We need to find a really good S/P to take over from his EIP S/P as once at school he cannot access the program and we need a S/P who will work with the teachers. We need a teacher who can think outside the square and can modify and adapt the curriculum to his learning capabilities. Over 80% of the tasks and things he has learnt to date have been via inventive and round about ways rather than the norm.
The special education unit at the Catholic Education Office really needs a kick in the pants as apart from not being advertised on the CEO website ( what don' t they want add. needs kids in their schools? ) the amount or lack of empathy I received was contaray to the ideologies of the teaching of Catholicism, let me say that. No one seems to want to tell me what paperwork they require to even help them to help him..I am more than happy to get reports needed but TELL ME WHAT IT IS YOU NEED!!! Apart from the principal not returning my calls , I had already told him Mr 5 had missed the funding bus so of course we are of no consequence because we are not worth any extra $$$ to the school. I have to contend with trying to get an IEP (individual education program) for him and convincing him to let me have the teacher I want. This is my son's step into the stage of formal education, I need a director who can direct and motivate him, a venue he is not afraid of and an audience who appreciates his interpretation of life.


Crritic! said...

Hi Supamum

I've recently been through the special needs funding treadmill for my son, and I'm happy to say we were successful. This was entirely due to the efforts of the staff at Kismet Park Primary School and at Hume Council. My understanding of this system is dim, but I found that persistence is often rewarded.

Keep your chin up.

I am the Queen of EVERYTHNG...OK!! said...

In case any ones wondering, I am here but Blogger is stuffed in so far as creating posts goes, will post as soon as I can