Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Still pouring....

Figuratively speaking of course..Last time it poured here was February. We have had some rain but need lots more over many years to bring us out of the drought conditions and the primary industries back in line with the CPI. Primary producers have lost out big time and when they raise their prices to meet the market cost..They are being greedy. Trouble is, unlike two generations ago when every family had some of them still "on the land", it is very rare to meet someone from a farming family now unless they live in a cattle/dairy/ sheep/wheat/whatever area. I know people look at me a bit odd when I say I was on a farm until the age of 10 and I still enjoy working on my family's properties. Maybe I'm just weird or just know where my roots are and I respect where I come from.

Speaking of pouring...Mr Almost 3 had worsened and threw up on Monday night (Do not read on if offended by spew stories) And he says "Oh, no not again" Again??? What ??? There's more??? I think. I ask him whilst cleaning him up (Dad was cleaning the floor) "were you sick before?" "oh. No not again" is the response.
So we're going on a spew hunt, a spew hunt, going on a spew hunt to try and find some spew....SUNG TO THE TUNE OF "GOING ON A BEAR HUNT"
Hey if you don't laugh about it you cry...OK
Any way after searching all places possible, toy boxes, book shelves,under beds, in beds...There was no more...So it was a wild spew chase :)
He also had a temperature of 38.6 yesterday so after another chuck and some really ,really bad diarrhea and even worse flatulence combined with the coughing..We headed off to the doctors to get him checked out. There's gastro about apparently (DUUUUUUH) and his glands are up (least he is not prone to ear infections as Mr 5 was) and his eczema is running rampant with him being ill...Great. If he's not better in a week, he has to go back for tests. This is because 23 months ago when he was a bub, he had diarrhea for 6 weeks and no reason was found, no bug, no viral infection, zilch. So now if he gets it they only wait a week before they start tests.

Today, after 12 plus hours of sleep and a massive chuck yesterday afternoon and various other bodily expulsions I will not go into detail of...My bubby has awoken asking for chocolate. What the...? I gave him toast with Vegemite for breakfast and watered down apple juice. Now he is eating some dry biscuits and cheese. And still asking for chocolate......

Tomorrow ,Mr 5 is "tested" by the Department Of Education for funding for his primary school education. If he succeed in passing above the require level, he'll get nothing...But we will use the test results and give them to the CEO (Catholic Education Office) and he may get some help via the school he will attend if he doesn't make it into the Specialist school on a part time basis. It's refreshing to see in the forum of Dyspraxia Support Group a few mums of older kids giving genuine reassurance and hope to the mums who are struggling with the day to day stuff and the trauma and ,sometimes, joy of the diagnosis.

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