Friday, December 19, 2008

Last day, last time,...How am I gonna do this two more times?

Yesterday was Miss 11's last day of primary school and amidst apprehension and excitement of secondary school, lay the understanding that it was her last day at that school, the last time she would be a student there, the last time for a lot of things.
She got her bear signed, her uniform signed, her presents given, her goodbyes, her prep buddies wishes and before you knew it, it was over. FOR NOW.
The graduation last night was highly emotional and reflective. From watching them all in their school uniforms for the last time, to their teachers singing in choir to them, their outgoing principal commenting on their creativity and diversity, Miss 11's reading of the graduation poem I wrote for the Yr 6s five years ago, to the morphing picture show using all their seven years of school photos whilst a beautiful operatic was played, then with them each lighting their candles from one another, they filed out of the Church in single file then I was a sobbing mess amongst other similar sobbing messes.
It is after all ,only primary school but it is the defining point in the life of a child for they are on the cusp of puberty and about to enter a whole new world of friendship dynamics, learning and disciplines.
It is the end of play dates supervised at others homes to "Can I walk to Maccas/Jooceworks after school?". The end of the friendly pre and post school chats with other parents and the start of "Just drop me here, I want to walk with such and such".
It not the last time for lots of things, Messers 8 and 6 still have to get through but having been to one graduation, I am unsure if I can do it again...least not with a few years to get over this one.